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Cómo localizar tus libros?

En el servicio slashdot de preguntas hay un debate sobre como ordenar colecciones personales de libros:

My wife and I have about 3,500 books. We can’t find anything. All the books are in random order. We want to find a solution for organizing our books. We have a barcode scanner, but I’m not sure the best way to use it. I want a solution that is easy to maintain going forward and makes books easy to find. I also want the data in an open format. I’m think about using MySQL right now, but I’m open to other suggestions. What software do other people use to organize their home libraries?

Entre las respuestas hay de todo:

- tirarlos
- bookcrossing
- rfid locator
- open source como delicious library
- The Dewey Decimal System (Score:4, Insightful)
- “why not just organize the shelves?” (por temas, por colores, hay respuestas para todo, q de poco sirven para 3500 libros)
- servicios web como librarything

La verdad es que el debate es curioso, porque además poca gente da buenas soluciones a su problema “semi físico/semi digital”


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