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Gilad Mishne de la Universidad de Amsterdam ha estado investigando sobre la clasificación de los post basada en el estado de ánimo y humor del autor del blog, y todo ello usando una máquina que irá aprendiendo con la retroalimentación: Experiments with Mood Classification in Blog Posts (PDF)

We present preliminary work on classifying blog text according to the mood reported by its author during the writing. Our data consists of a large collection of blog posts – online diary entries – which include an indication of the writer’s mood. We obtain modest, but consistent improvements over a baseline; our results show that further increasing the amount of available training data will lead to an additional increase in accuracy. Additionally, we show that the classification accuracy, although low, is not substantially worse than human performance on the same task. Our main finding is that mood classification is a challenging task using current text analysis methods.

Aburrimiento, alegría, entusiasmo, tristeza, somnolencia… serán detectados por un robot para clasificar las entradas de neustras bitácoras…

Vía Searchenginewatch

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